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Camp Hulen, Palacios, Texas 77465


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Want to have your own land by the Bay? Here it is!

Located at Camp Hulen, Palacios, Texas 77465

Google Maps Coordinates: 28°41'46.9"N 96°14'38.4"W



Even though it is a small town, there is always a place to hang out and fun to be made in Palacios. As you get older, you learn to appreciate this small town. It is unique and genuine in its own way. We are known for our seafood industry. After all, we are called "City by the Sea" for a reason. Anyone who visits has a lasting memory of Palacios imprinted on them for the rest of their lives and there is a reason for it. The uniqueness of Palacios is something that everyone remembers for the rest of their lives; even if they are just traveling through.

Property Details:

Status: Available.

Sale Price: $65,000

State: Texas. 

County: Matagorda

Size: Acres: 0.1882 Sqft: 8199.00 50.00 x 157.90

Utilities: No utilities.You can contact us 1-800-865-2173 or send us a PM