Bed/Bath/Parking: 3 bed / 2 bath
Pool: (y/n) No
Sqft (per tax records): 1,657 sqft
Lot Size: 0.30 Acres
Year Build: 1989
Are you direct or co-wholesaling? : Direct
Asking: $215,000
ARV: $320,000+
Comp: 2304 Windstone Dr, Pensacola, FL 32526
COE: on or before 1/30/2024
EMD: $5,000
Access: (LB or appt?): Appt
Post Possession: (vacant at close or is there a holdback for the post possession?): Vacant at close
Occupancy: (vacant, owner-occupied, or tenants?) Vacant
Additional notes mentioned (Age of the Roof, HVAC, Water heater, rents and lease details if tenants, etc.):
HVAC: Don't know
Water Heater: Don't know
Roof: Had a new Roof recently
Plumbing: In good condition
Electrical: In good condition