Talk to Seller

4699 E Bails Pl, Denver, CO 80222, USA


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Hey all, STORY ON THE HOUSE: Matt here, the owner of this fine property on E Bails Pl, 80222. I have owned this house since 2012 and done many upgrades. Have added a bedroom, opened up the kitchen to add a breakfast bar, air conditioning, and much more. I am considering selling my house on the MLS, but am happy to tour qualified buyers in between Wednesday to Friday 12-6pm after seeing your prequalification letter. MORE INFO ON THE HOUSE: Great common space, open floor plan, spacious kitchen and plenty of bedrooms for the neighborhood. Brand new bridge over the highway for a 7 minute walk to the lightrail. SPACIOUS MOVE-IN READY HOME W/ SOUGHT AFTER 3 BEDS ON MAIN* ALSO, PRIME RENTAL OPPORTUNITY IN CENTRAL LOCATION W/ SHORT 7 MIN WALK TO LIGHT RAIL* 6 BD (3 NC IN BSMNT) / 2 BA ON LARGE LOT* UPDATED KITCH & BATHS* FULL BSMNT W/ FAMILY RM* CLOSE TO PARKS & DINING* YOUR EXPECTED RETURN (INVESTORS): The house is currently rented, and earning $4190/mo, with long term, renewed leases. House is in good condition and tenants do not complain very often. That's a 7.7% annual return off the rental income alone, not to mention the crazy appreciation we're seeing. According to Zillow this house appreciated $100k in the last 12 months, about 20%. You'll definitely do better owning this house than having your cash in the stock market. WHY I'M SELLING: I just got back home from 1.5 years abroad, and am staying in New Mexico, helping my family. This house is a great asset I hate to sell but none of us can do anything welll without focus, so I have chosen to let it go. Someone else is going to make a great return on this!