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312 E 6th St, La Joya, TX 78560, EE. UU.


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Located at 312 E 6th St, La Joya, TX 78560

Google Maps Coordinates: 26Ā°14'33.3"N 98Ā°28'40.4"W


La Joya is a very small suburb city where many neighborhoods are connected through people with families and schools that have many students to allow them to develop friendships and bonds with others like no other. 

Property Details:

Status: Available.

Sale Price: $28,000

State: Texas. 

City: La Joya

County: Hidalgo

Size: Acres: Acres:0.1273 Sqft:5546.00 54.88 x 101.06

Utilities: Utilities are available to be connected.

You can contact us 1-800-865-2173 or send us a PM
