Talk to Seller

30th St E, Pipe Creek, TX 78063


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<font color="red"><h1> 50 x 180 (9,016 sq feet) Unrestricted Lot Lakehills, Tx Close to Lake No HOA </h1></font>

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<h2> This 50 x 180 Vacant lot in Lakehills, TX , NO HOA , unrestricted .Close to lake </h2>

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<h2> The lot is located on 30th st and can be entered from 30th st or 31st st. just off of Simmons.

Lot is less than 3000 feet from the Lake </h2>

<h2> The best way to get to the property is to from PR 37 turn onto 32nd st take

32nd down about 2500 feet and you will past Hilltop Loop on your right hand side and to the left a little further down you turn left

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<h2> This is Hilltop Loop and the road you turn left on </h2>

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<h2> From this road to the lot is 852 feet and the property will be on your right hand side.</h2>

<h2> I just opened the road up also so it is easy to access the property.</h2>

<h2> This 31st st before I had the road work done </h2>

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<h2> This is the road now after the work </h2>

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<h2><a href=""target="_blank">Click here for map</a></h2>

<font color="blue"><h2> Lots half this size are listed for $7500 </h2>

<h2> below</h2>

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<h2> Zillow Below </h2>

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<h2> My price is $8,500</h2>

<h2><a href=""target="_blank">Click for map </a>

<h2> Call or Text Ken 702-900-1625 </h2>