Talk to Seller

107 E Oak St, Tyler, MN 56178, USA


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Photos of the property


If you're looking for a great value for a primary residence, rental or fix and flip, you need to see 107 E Oak St.

Matterport 3D Home Tour -- Coming Soon!

Nearby Attractions

  • Marshall, MN (29 min, 24.4 miles)
  • Sioux Falls, SD (1 hr 19 min, 73.2 miles)
  • Minneapolis, MN (3 hr 8 min, 178 miles)

Major Employers

  • Schwan's Company (Marshall, MN)
  • Archer Daniels Midland Company (Marshall, MN)


  • 2021: $528 (non-homestead)
  • 2021: $372 (homestead)